花譜さんとMoe Shopさんからのアーティストコメント
<花譜 コメント>
Moe Shopさんとの組曲「My Life」をリリースしました!
<Moe Shop コメント>
KAF and I connect over many things in music, so I wanted the result of our collaboration to be something a little unexpected, more "edgy" than what people might expect sonically and thematically.
"That's gonna be so much fun to play at clubs!!" is what came to mind. I was really happy with how we managed to fit many ideas and feelings into one song. I think it's the first time I make something that sounds like this.
KAF's voice has a lot of character, and she performs with a lot of feelings. I think she did a wonderful job at bringing life into the song, it reaches a whole new level of energy that wouldn't be possible without her.
After working with her on this single and performing live together, I would say that KAF is pure energy. She's calm and collected, but she can really bring life and fun into music making and performance.
I had so much fun making "My Life", so I really hope you'll listen to it!
「My Life」を作曲するのは物凄く楽しかったので、ぜひ聴いて欲しいです!