Kuwagata is a Japanese artist lives in Yamanashi, Japan. Her animation covers not only “cute/kawaii” but also impasto like a foreign illustration.
She displayed an animation named Yukisusumisariyuki in a graduation production at an art college, which buzzed on the internet. The background changes every moment so that it appears like ephemeral bubbles.
She also launched a new paper craft project, which is called 2.5D Mask Project. People can create a mask via printer. They would exist in the gap between 2D and 3D if they put on/take off the face mask, and they can be approached the begriff of the animation character at the different dimension vector via masks. This mask has applied for a commercial film of Fits (chewing gum brand) presented by a booming Japanese actress Suzu Hirose and back dancers with the 2.5D mask.
Due to the popularity of her animation, Kai-You is planning to introduce her illustrations on POP&DOPE Illustration No.2.
第2回目となる「POP&DOPE Illstration」では、現在その注目度をさらに集めるくわがたさんの作品を紹介する。
She displayed an animation named Yukisusumisariyuki in a graduation production at an art college, which buzzed on the internet. The background changes every moment so that it appears like ephemeral bubbles.
She also launched a new paper craft project, which is called 2.5D Mask Project. People can create a mask via printer. They would exist in the gap between 2D and 3D if they put on/take off the face mask, and they can be approached the begriff of the animation character at the different dimension vector via masks. This mask has applied for a commercial film of Fits (chewing gum brand) presented by a booming Japanese actress Suzu Hirose and back dancers with the 2.5D mask.
Due to the popularity of her animation, Kai-You is planning to introduce her illustrations on POP&DOPE Illustration No.2.
第2回目となる「POP&DOPE Illstration」では、現在その注目度をさらに集めるくわがたさんの作品を紹介する。
絶え間なく姿を変えるナンセンスなキャラクター世界を、アニメーションを中心に構築する。『映像作家100人 2013-JAPANESE MOTION GRAPHIC CREATORS 2013-』(株式会社ビー・エヌ・エヌ新社)掲載。アニメーションのみならず、イラストレーションの制作や『2.5次元マスクプロジェクト』の発案・デザインを行ってい る。