エキソニモ個展「On Memory」開催 記録と記憶をテーマにした作品を展示 に戻る

エキソニモの個展「On Memory」©︎exonemo, courtesy of the artist and WAITINGROOM

  1. エキソニモの個展「On Memory」©︎exonemo, courtesy of the artist and WAITINGROOM
  2. エキソニモ
  3. “Shotgun texting - Untitled”, ©︎exonemo, courtesy of the artist and WAITINGROOM
  4. artworks 1
  5. artworks 2 ©︎exonemo, courtesy of the artist and WAITINGROOM
  6. artworks 3 ©︎exonemo, courtesy of the artist and WAITINGROOM

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